Ústav fyziky materiálů AV ČR, v. v. i. > Zaměstnanci > Pizúrová Naděžda

RNDr. Naděžda Pizúrová, Ph.D.

Telefon+420 532 290 447
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Researcher IDG-8089-2014
Pozicevědecký pracovník - Skupina elektrických a magnetických vlastností


Vasić M., Pizúrová N., Žák T., Minić D.: Influence of chemical and phase composition of Ni-P based alloy powders on the corrosion behavior in various environments. Metall. Mater. Trans. A 55 (2024) 3562-3575

Sojková T., Gröger R., Poloprudský J., Kuběna I., Schneeweiss O., Sojka M., Šiška Z., Pongrácz J., Pizúrová N.: Kinetics of spontaneous phase transitions from wüstite to magnetite in superparamagnetic core-shell nanocubes of iron oxides. Nanoscale 16 (2024) 5551-5560

Gomez J., Krízková P., Dolečková A., Cardo L., Wetzl C., Pizúrová N., Prato M., Medalová J., Zajíčková L.: Multifunctional graphene quantum dots: A therapeutic strategy for neurodegenerative diseases by regulating calcium influx, crossing the blood-brain barrier and inhibiting Abeta-protein aggregation. Applied Materials Today 36 (2024) 102072

Pizúrová N., Gröger R.: Nanosvět, v němž je sekunda téměř věčností. Vesmír 103 (2024) 292-295


Pizúrová N., Hlaváček A., Kavčiaková Z., Roupcová P., Kuběna I., Buršík J., Sokovnin S.: Nanoceria prepared by electron beam evaporation. Nanocon 2022 Conference proceedings 2022 (2023) 33-38

Gomez J., Ovejero-Peredes K., Méndez-Arriaga J., Pizúrová N., Filice M., Zajíčková L., Prashar S., Gómez-Ruiz S.: Organotin(IV)-decorated graphene quantum dots as dual platform for molecular imaging and treatment of triple negative breast cancer. Chemistry-A European Journal 29 (2023) e202301845

Gomez J., Díaz-Sánchez M., Pizúrová N., Zajíčková L., Prashar S., Gómez-Ruiz S.: Crystalline F-doped titanium dioxide nanoparticles decorated with graphene quantum dots for improving the photodegradation of water pollutants. Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology, A: Chemistry 443 (2023) 114875

Babutskyi A., Akram S., Bevilacqua M., Chrysanthou A., Montalvao D., Whiting M., Pizúrová N.: Improvement of cavitation erosion resistance of structural metals by alternating magnetic field treatment. Mater. & Design 226 (2023) 111630

Gomez J., Sulleiro M., Pizúrová N., Bednařík A., Lepcio P., Holec D., Preisler J., Zajíčková L.: Spontaneous formation of carbon dots helps to distinguish molecular fluorophores species. Appl. Surf. Sci. 610 (2023) 155536

Ilves V., Pizúrová N., Korusenko P., Sokovnin S., Balezin M., Gerasimov A., Uimin M., Zuev M., Vasin A.: Effect of air annealing on properties of maghemite nanoparticles produced by radiation-chemical method . Ceram. Int. 49 (2023) 25414-25426

Sapurina I., Shishov M., Bursian A., Kompan M., Malyshkin V., Pizúrová N.: Coordination polymer based on phenazine ligands and silver with two-dimensional organization and high conductivity. Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry 13 (2023) 447


Gomez J., Sulleiro M., Dolečková A., Pizúrová N., Medalová J., Bednařík A., Preisler J., Nečas D., Zajíčková L.: Structure elucidation of multicolor emissive graphene quantum dots towards cell guidance. Materials Chemistry Frontiers 6 (2022) 145-154

Sokovnin S., Pizúrová N., Ilves V., Roupcová P., Zuev M., Uimin M., Ulitko M., Svetlova O.: Properties of ZrO2 and Ag-ZrO2 nanopowders prepared by pulsed electron beam evaporation. Ceram. Int. 48 (2022) 17703-17713

Hlaváček A., Křivánková J., Brožková H., Weisová J., Pizúrová N., Foret F.: Absolute Counting Method with Multiplexing Capability for Estimating the Number Concentration of Nanoparticles Using Anisotropically Collapsed Gels. Anal. Chem. 94 (2022) 14340-14348

Jirásková Y., Pizúrová N., Buršík J., Friák M., Čížek J., Vlasák T., Čegan T., Nikodym M., Luňáček J.: Magneto-structural correlations in Fe-25 at%Al influenced by substitution of Fe by Co and by thermal treatment. J. Alloys Comp. 904 (2022) 163996

Pizúrová N., Buršík J., Sojková T., Roupcová P., Schneeweiss O.: Magnetic properties and morphology of ultra-small iron oxide nanoparticles. J. Phys.: Conf. Series 2315 (2022) 012023

Michal L., Roy R., Holec D., Gomez J., Pizúrová N., Nečas D., Dolečková A., Medalová J., Lepcio P., Zajíčková L.: Long-Range Magnetic Order in Nickel Hydroxide-Functionalized Graphene Quantum Dots. J.Phys.Chem.Lett. 13 (2022) 11536-11542


Polsterová S., Všianská M., Friák M., Pizúrová N., Sokovnin S., Šob M.: AB INITIO STUDY OF SILVER NANOPARTICLES, GRAIN BOUNDARIES AND THEIR QUADRUPLE JUNCTIONS. NANOCON 2021 Conference Proceedings 2021 (2021) 344-350

Akram S., Babutskyi A., Chrysanthou A., Montalvao D., Whiting M., Pizúrová N.: Improvement of the wear resistance of nickel-aluminium bronze and 2014-T6 aluminium alloy by application of alternating magnetic field treatment. Wear 480 (2021) 203940

Vasić M., Žák T., Pizúrová N., Stojković Simatović I., Minić D.: Influence of Thermal Treatment on Microstructure and Corrosion Behavior of Amorphous Fe40Ni40B12Si8 Alloy. Metall. Mater. Trans. A 52 (2021) 34-45

Perovič M., Boskovic M., Kusigerski V., Jagličič Z., Blanusa J., Spasojevic V., Pizúrová N., Schneeweiss O.: Search for high temperature memory effets in magnetic nanoparticles. J. Alloys Comp. 855 (2021) 157523


Švábenská E., Pizúrová N., Roupcová P., Chlupová A., Brajer J., Foldyna J., Schneeweiss O.: Effect of shock wave on microstructure of silicon steel. Surfaces and Interfaces 20 (2020) 100415-100425

Jirásková Y., Pizúrová N., Friák M., Janičkovič D.: Structural and Magnetic Study of Fe-Al20-(Ti, Nb) Alloys. Acta Phys. Pol. A 137 (2020) 835-838

Dymáček P., Dobeš F., Jarý M., Jirásková Y., Pizúrová N., Friák M.: Small punch testing of Fe-Al based alloys with Ti and Nb additions. IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 723 (2020) 012006

Hlaváček A., Křivánková J., Pizúrová N., Václavek T., Foret F.: Photon-upconversion barcode for monitoring an enzymatic reaction with a fluorescence reporter in droplet microfluidics. Analyst 145 (2020) 7718-7723


Akram S., Babutskyi A., Chrysanthou A., Montalvao D., Pizúrová N.: Effect of Alternating Magnetic Field on the Fatigue Behaviour of EN8 Steel and 2014-T6 Aluminium Alloy. Metals 9 (2019) 984

Friák M., Buršíková V., Pizúrová N., Pavlů J., Jirásková Y., Homola V., Miháliková I., Slávik A., Holec D., Všianská M., Koutná N., Fikar J., Janičkovič D., Šob M., Neugebauer J.: Elasticity of Phases in Fe-Al-Ti Superalloys: Impact of Atomic Order and Anti-Phase Boundaries. Crystals 9 (2019) 299

Hlaváček A., Mickert M., Soukka T., Lahtinen S., Tallgren T., Pizúrová N., Król A., Gorris H.: Large-Scale Purification of Photon-Upconversion Nanoparticles by Gel Electrophoresis for Analogue and Digital Bioassays. Anal. Chem. 91 (2019) 1241-1246

Dymáček P., Dobeš F., Jirásková Y., Pizúrová N., Friák M.: Tensile, creep and fracture testing of prospective Fe-Al-based alloys using miniature specimens. Theor. Appl. Fract. Mech. 99 (2019) 18-26

Vallejos S., Grácia I., Pizúrová N., Čechal J., Hubálek J., Cané C.: Gas sensitive ZnO structures with reduced humidity-interference. Sensors and Actuators B 301 (2019) 127054

Bazhukova I., Sokovnin S., Ilves V., Myshkina A., Vazirov R., Pizúrová N., Kasyanova V.: Luminescence and optical properties of cerium oxide nanoparticles. Optical Materials 92 (2019) 136-142


Vazirov R., Sokovnin S., Ilves V., Bazhukova I., Pizúrová N., Kuznetsov M.: Physicochemical Characterization and Antioxidant Properties of Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles. J. Phys.: Conf. Series 1115 (2018) 032094

Jarolím T., Brožovský J., Šácha D., Pizúrová N.: Influence of CNT addition to the frost resistance of cencrete. Key Eng. Mater. 760 (2018) 30-34

Jirásková Y., Pizúrová N., Titov A., Janičkovič D., Friák M.: Phase separation in Fe-Ti-Al alloy - Structural, magnetic, and Mossbauer study. J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 468 (2018) 91-99

Peer P., Stěnička M., Filip P., Pizúrová N., Babayan V.: Magnetorheological characterization and electrospinnability of ultrasound-treated polymer solutions containing magnetic nanoparticles. Colloid and Polymer Science 296 (2018) 1849-1855

Buršíková V., Homola V., Jirásková Y., Pizúrová N., Miháliková I., Friák M., Koutná N., Slávik A., Holec D., Šob M.: Study of Local Mechanical Properties of Fe78Al22 Alloy. Key Eng. Mater. 784 (2018) 27-32

Vasić M., Žák T., Pizúrová N., Roupcová P., Minić D., Minić D.: Thermally induced microstructural transformations and anti-corrosion properties of Co70Fe5Si10B15 amorphous alloy. J. Non-Crystall. Solids 500 (2018) 326-335


Smolková S., Kazantseva N., Babayan V., Vilčaková J., Pizúrová N., Saha P.: The Role of Diffusion-Controlled Growth in the Formation of Uniform Iron Oxide Nanoparticles with a Link to Magnetic Hyperthermia. Crystal Growth and Design 17 (2017) 2323-2332

Vallejos S., Pizúrová N., Čechal J., Grácia I., Cané C.: Aerosol-assisted Chemical Vapor Deposition of Metal Oxide Structures: Zinc Oxide Rods. Journal of Visualized Experiments 127 (2017) e56127


Vasić M., Roupcová P., Pizúrová N., Stevanović S., Blagojević V., Žák T., Minić D.: Thermally Induced Structural Transformations of Fe40Ni40P14B6 Amorphous Alloy. Metall. Mater. Trans. A 47A (2016) 260-267

Vallejos S., Pizúrová N., Grácia I., Sotelo-Vazquez C., Čechal J., Blackman C., Parkin I., Cané C.: ZnO Rods with Exposed {100} Facets Grown via a Self-Catalyzed Vapor-Solid Mechanism and Their Photocatalytic and Gas Sensing Properties. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 8 (2016) 33335-33342


Luptáková N., Pizúrová N., Roupcová P., Dymáček P.: High Temperature Degradation of Powder-Processed Ni-based Superalloy. Materials Engineering - Materialove inzinierstvo 22 (2015) 85-94

Smolková S., Kazantseva N., Babayan V., Smolka P., Parmar H., Vilčaková J., Schneeweiss O., Pizúrová N.: Alternating magnetic field energy absorption in the dispersion of iron oxide nanoparticles in a viscous medium. J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 374 (2015) 508-515

Vasić M., Minić D., Blagojević V., Žák T., Pizúrová N., David B., Minić D.: Thermal Stability and Mechanism of Thermally Induced Crystallization of Fe73.5Cu1Nb3Si15.5B7 Amorphous Alloy. Acta Phys. Pol. A 128 (2015) 657-660


David B., Pizúrová N., Synek P., Kudrle V., Jašek O., Schneeweiss O.: Epsilon-Fe2O3 nanoparticles synthesized in atmospheric-pressure microwave torch. Mater. Lett. 116 (2014) 370-373

Blagojević V., Vasić M., David B., Minić D., Pizúrová N., Minić D., Žák T.: Microstructure and functional properties of Fe73.5Cu1Nb3Si15.5B7 amorphous alloy. Mater. Chem. Phys. 145 (2014) 12-17

Blagojević V., Vasić M., David B., Minić D., Pizúrová N., Žák T., Minić D.: Thermally induced crystallization of Fe73.5Cu1Nb3Si15.5B7 amorphous alloy. Intermetallics 45 (2014) 53-59

David B., Schneeweiss O., Pizúrová N., Rek A., Kudrle V., Jašek O.: Nanocrystalline alpha-Fe layer examined by Mössbauer spectrometry. Acta Phys. Pol. A 126 (2014) 94-95


Stanisavljevic M., Janu L., Smerková K., Křížková S., Pizúrová N., Ryvolová M., Adam V., Hubálek J., Kížek R.: Study of Streptavidin - Modified Quantum Dots by Capillary Electrophoresis. Chromatographia 76 (2013) 335-343

David B., Schneeweiss O., Pizúrová N., Šantavá E., Kudrle V., Synek P., Jašek O.: Atmospheric-pressure Microwave Torch Discharge Generated gama-Fe2O3 Nanopowder. Phys. Procedia 44 (2013) 206-212


Minić D., Blagojević V., David B., Pizúrová N., Žák T., Minić D.: Influence of thermal treatment on microstructure of Fe75Ni2Si8B13C2 amorphous alloy. Intermetallics 25 (2012) 75-79

Minić D., Blagojević V., Minić D., David B., Pizúrová N., Žák T.: Nanocrystal Growth in Thermally Treated Fe75Ni2Si8B13C2 Amorphous Alloy. Metall. Mater. Trans. A 43 (2012) 3062-3069


Synek P., Jašek O., Zajíčková L., David B., Kudrle V., Pizúrová N.: Plasmachemical synthesis of maghemite nanoparticles in atmospheric pressure microwave torch. Mater. Lett. 65 (2011) 982-984

David B., Pizúrová N., Schneeweiss O., Šantavá E., Jašek O., Kudrle V.: Alpha-Fe nanopowder synthesised in low-pressure microwave plasma and studied by Mossbauer spectroscopy. J. Phys.: Conf. Series 303 (2011) 012090

David B., Pizúrová N., Schneeweiss O., Kudrle V., Jašek O., Synek P.: Iron-based nanopowders containing alpha-Fe, Fe3C, and gamma-Fe particles synthesised in microwave torch plasma and investigated with Mossbauer spectroscopy. Japan. J. Applied Phys. 50 (2011) 08JF11

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