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K1-Center in Polymer Engineering and Science

Spoluřešitelprof. Ing. Pavel Hutař, Ph.D.
Číslo projektuPCCL-K1
AgenturaAustrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG)
Doba řešení2017-01-01 - 2021-12-31

For the funding period 2017-2020 the consortium will comprise 48 Company Partners with AT&S, Airbus, BMW, Borealis, Continental, DOW, Engel, FACC, Gates, Lanxess, MAGNA, Semperit, and SKF being the most prominent partners. In addition, 18 Scientific Partners (e.g., Montanuniversitaet Leoben, TU Graz, TU Vienna, TU Munich, Politecnico di Milano, Politecnico di Torino, Czech Academy of Sciences, and Texas A&M University) are involved in the research program which is structured in three interconnected research Areas : Functional and Reactive Polymers, Polymer Processing and Automated Inspection, Performance and Reliability of Polymers and their Composites. IPM is involved especially in strategic project of PCCL focusing on fracture mechanics of polymers, see details at (https://www.pccl.at/en/).


Gosch A., Berer M., Hutař P., Slávik O., Vojtek T., Arbeiter F., Pinter G.: Mixed Mode I/III fatigue fracture characterization of Polyoxymethylene. Int. J. Fatigue 130 (2020) 105269


Frank A., Arbeiter F., Berger I., Hutař P., Náhlík L., Pinter G.: Fracture Mechanics Lifetime Prediction of Polyethylene Pipes. J. Pipeline Syst. Eng. Pract., 10 (2019) 04018030

Poduška J., Hutař P., Frank A., Kučera J., Sadílek J., Pinter G., Náhlík L.: Soil Load on Plastic Pipe and its Influence on Lifetime. Strojnicky casopis - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 69 (2019) 101-106


Poduška J., Hutař P., Frank A., Kučera J., Sadílek J., Pinter G., Náhlík L.: Numerical simulations of cracked round bar test: Effect of residual stresses and crack asymmetry. Eng. Fract. Mech. 203 (2018) 18-31

Dlhý P., Poduška J., Náhlík L., Berer M., Gosch A., Pinter G., Hutař P.: Compression-Loaded Cracked Cylinder - Stress Intensity Factor Evaluation. Key Eng. Mater. 774 (2018) 331-336

Slávik O., Hutař P., Berer M., Gosch A., Arbeiter F., Pinter G., Náhlík L.: Numerical Modelling of Cylindrical Specimen under Mixed-Mode Loading Conditions. Key Eng. Mater. 774 (2018) 325-330


Poduška J., Hutař P., Kučera J., Frank A., Sadílek J., Pinter G., Náhlík L.: Residual stress in polyethylene pipes. Polymer Testing 54 (2016) 288-295