On 26.2.2021, the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TA ČR) announced on its website the updated results of the 3rd Public Competition of the Programme for the Promotion of Industrial Research and Experimental Development – TREND – Subprogram 1 – “Technological Leaders”.
The Institute of Materials Physics CAS and its traditional industrial partners have been very successful in this program and will participate in solving three new projects:
With NenoVision s.r.o., Institute of Scientific Instruments CAS and Brno University of Technology, it will be „Development of in-situ techniques for the characterization of materials and nanostructures,“ with První brněnská strojírna Velká Bíteš, a. s. and UJP PRAHA a.s. „Advanced precision casting technologies for new types of blade castings and blade segments of gas turbines and turbochargers from modern superalloys with increased service life,“ and with BONATRANS GROUP a.s. „New wheel design for freight transport with higher utility properties”.
The Institute of Physics of Materials was also successful under the VIII call of the OP PIK programme Application, where the project „Ultrasonic devices for gigacycle fatigue tests of materials“ was evaluated very positively, and in the solution of the project the IPM will participate with Ultratech s.r.o.