Institute of Physics of Materials AS CR, v. v. i. > List of facilities > Scanning electron microscope Tescan LYRA 3 XMU FEG/SEMxFIB
Scanning electron microscope Tescan LYRA 3 XMU FEG/SEMxFIB

Scanning electron microscope Tescan LYRA 3 XMU FEG/SEMxFIB with FEG electron source.
The microscope is equipped with EBSD Symmetry and EDS Ultimmax detectors and AZtec software. The microscope offers also focused ion beam source (FIB) allowing imaging and milling of the material via high-energy gallium ions. FIB, in combination with micromanipulator and gas injection system, can be adopted also for preparation of TEM samples. Techniques: SE, BSE, EDS, EBSD, FIB, GIS