Institute of Physics of Materials AS CR, v. v. i. > List of facilities > Creep machines for helikoid spring specimens (high sensitivity, low stresses)

Creep machines for helikoid spring specimens (high sensitivity, low stresses)

Two machines for creep experiments with high strain sensitivity at low stresses.

  • Temp. range: 150°C to 1000°C

  • Stress range: 0.2MPa to approx. 100 MPa

  • Strain sensitivity: better than 10-6

  • Strain rate range: 10-9 to 10-13 s-1

  • Protective atmosphere: purified argon or hydrogen, air

  • Two methods have been developed to produce the helicoid spring specimens from metallic materials

  • Wire drawing, wounding on the threaded bolt and annealing. The method is suitable for pure metals and mild model alloys.

  • Machining from tube. The method is suitable for structural materials. The microstructure of the original tube is maintained