Institute of Physics of Materials AS CR, v. v. i. > List of facilities > Creep test system Zwick/Roell KAPPA DS 50 kN, with furnace up to 1200 °C
Creep test system Zwick/Roell KAPPA DS 50 kN, with furnace up to 1200 °C
Contact | Ing. Petr Dymáček, Ph.D. |

Creep test system Zwick/Roell KAPPA DS 50 kN, with furnace up to 1200 °C, testing in air
- tensile creep testing
- compressive creep testing
- stress relaxation testing
- strain measurement with EPSILON 3549-ST extensometer with 10-50 mm gauge length, with +50 to -10% measurement range and 0.1 µm resolution
- testing of specimens with threaded heads M4, M5, M6, M8, M9, M10, M12
- testing of flat specimens with slot 6 mm
- testing of compressive specimens, from ⌀3 mm, L= 4 mm to ⌀10 mm, L=20 mm in reversal cage