The Association of Innovative Entrepreneurship of the Czech Republic awarded Innovation of the year 2020 for New types of castings of expansion heads produced by První brněnská strojírna (PBS) Velká Bíteš, a.s. This result has been achieved thanks to the long-term cooperation with the Institute of Physics of Materials CAS.
The cooperation is focused on understanding and improving material properties and production technology. The cooperation in the field of material research, development and production technology of precision casting of new types of integrally cast axial wheels of turbochargers was also recognised by the CzechInno association, which awards leading Czech companies, entrepreneurs and organisations with the title of Visionary 2020. Both awards were received by Prof. K. Hrbáček for První brněnská strojírna and Prof. L. Kunz, Director of the Institute of Physics of Materials CAS.