Institute of Physics of Materials AS CR, v. v. i. > List of facilities > Resonant system Fractronic 7801, 100 kN, push-pull, temperature up to 800°C
Resonant system Fractronic 7801, 100 kN, push-pull, temperature up to 800°C

Electromagnetic resonant pulsator mainly for fatigue tests at high temperatures. Movable crosshead with possible recording of its position enables to measure cyclic creep curves and also conducting tests with periodical changes of mean load (i.e. suitable for combined cyclic tests). Test frequency ranges from 100 to 130 Hz.
Electromagnetic resonant pulsator mainly for fatigue tests at high temperatures. Movable crosshead with possible recording of its position enables to measure cyclic creep curves and also conducting tests with periodical changes of mean load (i.e. suitable for combined cyclic tests). Test frequency ranges from 100 to 130 Hz.