SATEC creep machines
Contact | Ing. Jiří Dvořák, Ph.D. |

Eight creep machines for conventional tests of metallic materials up to 1000°C in air.
Creep laboratory is equipped by 8 commercial creep machine of SATEC company. Testing machines allow to perform creep tests under constant load at temperatures from 20°C to 1000°C. The loading capacity of the machines is up to 6000 N. Grips are designed to hold both round and flat tensile specimens with a gauge length of 25-50 mm. This system is mainly used for materials tested without protective atmosphere. Temperature is measured using thermocouples located on the test sample and controlled by the Eurotherm controller. Elongation of the specimen is indirectly measured using contactless linear magnetic sensor Emix from the loading mechanism movement and subsequently digitally recorded. With these testing machines, determination of basic creep characteristics such as time to fracture, creep speed and total creep elongation can be performed.